# 8 Rue Coutilien/Impasse Fleury (au fond) Musseau
Bas Boen Laboratory (BBL)
The FONHDAD is a non-profit organization whose mission is to modernize Haiti’s agricultural domain with the introduction of new techniques, new fertilizers and new improved equipment to achieve better yields and better ways to commercialize its products.
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The Rural Center for Sustainable Development of Bas Boën (CRDD) is a research center; a demonstration center; a training center and a popularization center aimed to modernize Haitian agriculture by introducing improved techniques, improved varieties and by improving the equipment.
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Procédures pour le prélèvement des échantillons de sol
Pwosedi pou kolekte epi pote echantiyon plant nan laboratwa a
Factsheet FONHDAD
Les innovations agricoles introduites par les CRDDs
Protected areas in Haiti, by Florence Sergile (June 5, 2015)
Climate change and its potential impacts on agricultural production, by Myrlène Chrysostome (June 5, 2015)
Rural Center for Sustainable Development (CRDD) of Bas Boen – Fact sheet