Conférence: Vulgarisation agricole et services-conseils en Haïti

Pour y participer, cliquer sur : En Haïti, le développement d’un forum de vulgarisation agricole n’existe pas encore. Cependant, à l’initiative de la Direction d’Innovation du Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural (MARNDR), du projet UF-AREA et de la FONHDAD (Fondation Haïtienne de Développement Agricole Durable), des démarches ont été entreprises…

Trainings on Canal Irrigation Techniques in Bas Boen

In March 2014, Feed the Future West/WINNER organized a training for farmers associations in the Cul-de-Sac plain on the use of irrigation canals with floodgates, flow measurement, flow calculation methods, and other irrigation techniques at its Rural Center for Sustainable Development (CRDD) in Bas-Boen. The objective of the two-day training, held on March 10-11 andled…

Haitian President Sees Agricultural Improvements in Action

Demonstrating his commitment to improving agriculture in Haiti, on February 16, 2012, Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly toured local farmers’ associations to see first-hand the positive impact farmer training and new irrigation systems are having on Haitian farmers. Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly and members of his cabinet recently visited farmer groups to see how…

The U.S. government donates tractors to haitian farmer associations

On Tuesday, December 20, 2011, during a ceremony held at the Rural Center for Sustainable Development (CRDD) of Bas Boen, the U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provided nine tractors to Haitian farmers’ associations of the region around Saint Marc. This initiative is part of WINNER (Watershed Initiative for National…