The Rural Center for Sustainable Development of Bas Boën (CRDD) is a research center; a demonstration center; a training center and a popularization center aimed to modernize Haitian agriculture by introducing improved techniques and technologies in Haiti, improved varieties and by improving the equipment. Since its creation, the Foundation has collaborated with various local and international actors, specifically with its core members, to enhance the performance of the agricultural sector in Haiti. Through the Bas Boën CRDD, endowed with diverse expertise in agricultural development and have honed their skills in eight (8) value chains, namely maize, rice, plantain, beans, coffee, bean and corn seeds, and vegetables. This latter category includes key crops such as cucumber, swiss chard, tomato, Okra, leeks, hot peppers, green beans. Furthermore, the CRDD engages in on-farm research and provides laboratory services such as soil testing, plant diagnosis, and other agricultural and market-led extension services. The Foundation also prioritizes training and capacity building to empower smallholder farmers and enhance their skills and capabilities. Just recently, the Foundation has integrated disaster risk management as an important pillar of its interventions. The Foundation, through the Bas Boën CRDD, has introduced a bundle of innovative products and services, and technologies to support the economic growth of the agriculture sector in Haiti.
Moreover, the Bas Boën CRDD actively works on various sectors, including food processing (maize, sorghum, fruits, and spices), environmental services through watershed management (such as trees planting, reforestation, biodiversity conservation, installation of soil conservation structures), greenhouse farming, livestock production, beekeeping and establishing financial and market linkages. For instance, in addition to trials conducted on the characterization and the performance of various varieties of vegetables in Haiti, the Foundation has produced and processed hot peppers, okra, leeks, into dried products to reduce post-harvest losses and increase smallholder farmers’ income. Recently, the Foundation has created a brand, named “Au Champs Lakay” used by local organizations to sell and market their products. Through collaboration with grassroot organizations, this initiative intends to improve the organization of the market system of agricultural commodities in Haiti.
The Bas Boën CRDD has cultivated a longstanding tradition of supporting Producers’ Organizations (POs) and small rural-based enterprises, driving sustainable and positive socio-economic changes in their communities. They have established partnerships with local and international institutions to deliver tailored technologies to farmers, exemplified by their fruitful collaboration with CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) at the Bas Boën CRDD. Together, they have successfully produced and commercialized various beans and maize seeds, and other agricultural commodities.
Areas of intervention
1. Applied research and innovation.
2. Soil testing and plant diagnostic Lab.
3. Agricultural extension and advisory services.
a) Training of master farmers program.
b) Installation of demonstration plots
c) Technical assistance to smallholder farmers.
d) Digital agricultural extension.
e) Market linkages and private sector partnership.
4. Ecosystem services and watershed management
5. Strategic partnership and capacity building
6. Resilience and food security
The CRDD of Bas Boën consists of:
- An administrative building with
- 5 administrative offices;
- A proximity laboratory for soil, water, plant health diagnostic and food processing tests;
- A remote training room;
- A control station with an early flooding warning system.
- A refectory valuing products from farms that are in the region;
- A dormitory that can accommodate thirty trainees (farmers, researchers, finishing students);
- An outdoor training room that can accommodate more than 30 people;
- A shed for the innovative equipment and materials (9 tractors, threshing machines, load carriers, conical weeders, etc);
- And a farm of 3.5 ha that includes demonstration plots, greenhouses for vertical farming, a weather station and fishponds.