The founding members are constituted by the university, the voluntary and the private sectors of Haiti. Its aim is to contribute to the modernization of Haitian agriculture by introducing new techniques, fertilizers and improved equipment to enable the agricultural sector to achieve better yields and better ways to commercialize its products. It has signed a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture (MARNDR) to manage the CRDD.
The Founding members are represented by:
- The Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (FAMV in French) of the State University of Haiti (UEH) ;
- The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Episcopal University of Haiti;
- The Faculty of Agriculture and Environment of Quisqueya University;
- The National Agricultural Society S.A. (The SANSA)
- The Society of Food Products Processing (SOTRAPAL)
- The Cooperative of the champions farmers of the Plaine du Cul de Sac (COPACPLA)
- The Federation for the Development of Agricultural Production of Thomazeau (FEDEPAT);
- The Association of Irrigators of the Rivière Grise (AIRG).